Charms, amulets, talismans and symbols are objects or images that people made by hand and endowed them with spells and prayers with magical properties. The properties of the amulet are inseparable from mythology, religion, superstitions of the people. One of the ways to create an amulet is to embroider them with a cross.
Slavic amulet - an embroidered symbol of the sun - the most revered deity among the Slavs. It gives warmth and life. Stylized image of the sun - solar i.e. swastika-shaped symbols - were applied to clothes, dishes, weapons and household items using a pattern or embroidery. People believed that in this way the sun gave protection and protection. Another part of the Slavic amulets dedicated to the ancient gods - Makosh, Perun, Kolyadnik, Veles. The wearer of such an amulet received protection from the deity and part of their power.
The motanka chrysalis was also a fairly common family amulet among the Slavs. There were several such crafts in the amulet, and each of them fulfilled its role. For example, “Zhelannitsa” fulfilled all the most cherished dreams, “Krupenichka” was responsible for welfare and family savings, and “Lovebirds” were responsible for mutual understanding between lovers. Kits for cross stitching amulets of reeled dolls are in the catalog of TM "MP Studio" and "Wonderful Needle".
The tree of life is a biblical image. The Slavic amulet, which gives the owner's entire family protection from the evil eye and damage, charges with positive energy. The embroidered tree of life is a symbol that unites two worlds - earthly and heavenly.
Charm for the home \ charm of the hearth - cross-embroidered brownies, brooms - looking up will attract money, looking down - will drive away evil spirits, a horseshoe for good luck, figures of the owner, mistress, children near the house - symbolize a strong family, love, peace and harmony in the house. The set "Beregynya" art. SP-05-03 from TM "Cunning Tit".
Personal amulet from TM "PANNA". Cross-stitched name and its meaning, as well as patrons of the name in the animal and plant world. A patron planet and a talisman stone that will bring you good luck. A great gift idea for a loved one.
A dream catcher is a talisman that came to us from Indian mythology, designed to protect the sleeping person from evil spirits. A dream catcher is a home amulet in the form of a circle with feathers hanging from it and intertwined threads inside. A cross-stitched dream catcher is best hung over a bed or near a window. There, bad dreams will become entangled in cobwebs and dissipate in the morning.
Buddhist amulet. The embroidered Buddha is considered the most powerful talisman and the personification of faith, which helps to find the true path and find harmony. It is believed that even one glance at such a talisman is enough to get a particle of true Buddhist tranquility. Embroidered Buddhist symbols - a pair of fish as a symbol of the family, the "om" sign, a lotus bud - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Mandalas are patterns that Buddhist monks carve out of sand and stones. Mandala painting has a therapeutic effect. This is a sacred sivol - the outer circle symbolizes the universe, a square is inscribed in it, and inside the square there is another circle - the world of deities. This circle is usually segmented or depicted in the shape of a flower, most often a lotus.
Japanese amulets. The embroidered mascot cats are “Meneki-neko”, which literally means “calling cat”. The purpose of the amulet changes depending on which paw of the cat is raised - the right side is aimed at money, the left is aimed at luck. Omamori The coin, which can be found in the wallet of almost any Japanese, according to legend, attracts luck and money. As a rule, the Omamori coin is in a special pouch that cannot be opened so as not to frighten off financial success.
When choosing a set - a charm for cross stitch - listen to your feelings. It is important to choose the one to which "the soul lies." If you choose embroidery for a gift, do it with a good mood and pure thoughts. After the work is ready, rinse the embroidery under running water and, preferably, dry it in the sun. The online store "Needlework Salon" offers a wide selection of cross-stitch kits for various amulets and symbols.