Cross-stitching for the kitchen is a popular trend in the catalog of sets of the "Handicraft Salon" online store. The kitchen in the house is a kind of home, here we cook, get together with the whole family for breakfast or dinner. This is a place of creativity - after all, the creation of a culinary masterpiece is a delicate and reverent process, the result of which, in many respects, depends on the mood of the chef. And, of course, in such a place you cannot do without a muse. It can be your favorite bakeware, beautiful plates and cups, aromas of spices and herbs in pots, or maybe your favorite kitchen embroidery that inspires you.
In our store, various stories on kitchen topics are presented:
- various sets and cups from Luca-S and Dimensions. Cups filled with tea or fragrant coffee add warmth and comfort, embroidered porcelain sets seem to speak of the love of the mistress of the kitchen for fine ceramics, creativity and food;
- many dishes of different cultures and cuisines from "Russian Favorite";
- sweets - muffins, pastries and cakes from "Mill Hill" and "Wonderful Needle";
- drinks - tea, coffee and alcohol;
- spices and herbs from Riolis;
- homemade products - jams and pickles from "MP Studio";
- embroidery - recipes for drinks and dishes. Beautifully presented ingredients and recipes for your favorite food or drink can say a lot about you and your home. Do you like to cook mulled wine on a cozy winter evening or bake pancakes and pancakes in the morning? Tell about it.
Buying kits for the kitchen, you get everything you need for embroidery:
- basis for embroidery - cotton fabric or canvas;
- threads matched to colors in the required quantity;
- a needle;
- detailed instructions for performing the work.
If you wish, you just need to buy the necessary accessories: a hoop, a magnifying glass - if you don't see well, and the diagram is black and white with a large number of symbols, a magnetic needle holder, so as not to lose the needle while working on embroidery. All this can be bought in our online store "Handicraft Salon" along with a cross-stitch kit for the kitchen. We will deliver your order as soon as possible, and for regular customers we have a cumulative discount system.