The wolf is a strong and dangerous animal - the totemic ancestor of many Slavic tribes and the memory of this is still strong. Its essence is twofold. On the one hand, the animal was associated with solar deities, he is a wise and faithful companion, a powerful soothsayer. On the other hand, it was believed that the wolf belongs to the world of the dead, is a guide to the other world. In Slavic tales, the hero travels through a magical forest (consider the afterlife) riding a wolf. In heraldry, the image with a wolf has a positive meaning: devotion to family and family values, vigilance and discretion. In nature, these animals choose a mate for themselves and remain faithful to it all their lives. All these beliefs and knowledge have found their reflection in the art of cross-stitching images of wolves as symbols:
- a pair of wolves in embroidery symbolizes marital fidelity, protection of the family. Embroidery depicting a pair of wolves or a family with wolf cubs is in the catalog of each kit manufacturer. "DIMENSIONS" and "Charivna Mit" offer to embroider wolves against the background of winter or a moonlit night, at "Abris Art" and "LETISTITCH" you will find totem embroidery;
- a lone wolf is a totem animal. The personification of freedom of spirit, strength, steel character. Male sign. The wolf teaches us to develop qualities such as strength, confidence and calmness. Such embroidery will be a good gift for a man.
In the cross stitch kit from TM "LETISTITCH" "In spirit ... I am free" art. LETI 955 contains the image of Scandinavian mythology. Image of a pair of wolves and a pair of ravens. In the Scandinavian epic, God Odin had two ravens, which every morning had to fly around the Earth and report everything to their master. One crow was called Hugin, which means "thinking", and the second Munin - "remembering." Odin's wolves are called Geri and Freki, they accompany him on his travels and protect him in battles.
In the online store "Salon of Needlework" there is a large selection of kits for cross stitching with the image of a wolf and a pair of wolves. You can buy sets at the lowest price with the possibility of getting an additional discount on all goods for needlework and creativity and arrange delivery with a service convenient for you with us. We will gladly help you with the choice and answer all your questions.