cross stitch for beginners step by step

If you've never cross-stitched before and always wanted to, then something interesting is waiting for you! I hope your first experience will be as positive as mine, and you will immediately get hooked. To get started, you have to follow certain steps to become a confident embroidery master.

Finding the perfect cross stitch pattern for beginners

The first thing you should do is find a simple pattern suitable for beginners, preferably something from 14ct or 11ct Aida. Choose a simple, but less detailed design. You can either buy just the pattern, or buy a kit that would contain most of the accessories that you will need to complete the embroidery. In fact, I would recommend purchasing a light kit first so you can get familiar with embroidery and complete the picture. To do this, you need to choose a set or scheme in which there are large areas of the same color. In contrast, patterns with frequent color changes should be avoided until you become more advanced in your skills.

Read the instructions carefully

Remove the diagram from the package and read the instructions from beginning to end. If you only bought a circuit, you will need to find the floss list in it and use it to buy the necessary threads to create the project. When buying, pay attention to how many floss you need for each color. Before buying, check online which major craft stores around you have a sale. You can catch a sale and save some money!

Calculation of the required amount of materials

Then check the amount of materials needed for your project. I highly recommend the Aida fabric because it will be easier for you to see the holes for inserting the needle into the fabric. The chart will tell you the dimensions or dimensions of the area of ​​the embroidered design, but you need to take additional material into account in order to embroider the embroidery. So, using the dimensions of the stitched area, add 16 centimeters to the width and height. This will give you the size of fabric to buy for your embroidery, and will also give the decorators the extra material they need to design your embroidery.

Choosing the right hoop

Next, I would recommend using a hoop of some sort to start embroidering. Some people like to embroider on an embroidery hoop, while others prefer Q-snap or scroll frames. Some embroidery hoops leave marks on the fabric, so I don't use them. Q-snap frames fit. Purchase a large hoop to accommodate your embroidery.

Using cross stitch accessories

Other important accessories you may need are scissors, stitch expander, needles, lighting, magnifier, and markers. Large scissors are required to trim the material, and small scissors can be used to trim the thread. A seam ripper is used to carefully remove mistakes, or you can use a blunt needle to pull the thread out of a mistake you made. Markers are used to help you track your progress, to show where you have embroidered on the fabric. The reasons for using other tools are self-explanatory. Store your small accessories in a small zippered bag or cosmetic bag that's small enough to have on hand when needed. The bag I have is about the size of a small cosmetic bag.

Using the right lighting

It is always important to have the right lighting when embroidering. Provide light as close as possible to natural sunlight, which is best for sewing.

Looking for the perfect embroidery spot

Once you find a pattern that suits your skill level, choose a specific spot in the house where you would like to embroider. It should be a comfortable place, free of chaos. To avoid feeling lonely while embroidering, it is a good idea to include some easy-to-listen music (instrumental music), as music with words or singing can also be a distraction for the beginner. You should have comfortable chairs. You can sit in a chair and sew, sit at a table and sew, or sit in an upright chair using the floor stand frame for sewing. As long as you're comfortable, that's all that matters.

Find your starting point

Now that you have all the necessary tools, you will need to find a starting point to make your first stitch (which will be X). You can use the "find center" approach, which is used when your diagram is presented on only one large folded sheet, or the 3 "across / 3" down method, when your diagram has multiple pages. To find your approach to the center, you first need to find the center of your tissue. To do this, simply take a cut, fold it in half, and then in four pieces, and press down with your fingertips. Then unfold the fabric and where these folds converge in the center of the fabric, you will be the starting point on the fabric. To find the center marks on your diagram, they should be represented by a black arrow at the top of one of your diagram pages and a black arrow on the left of the page. Follow the top center mark with your right index finger downward and at the same time find the center mark on the left of the following pages with your left index finger and connect them at the same time and where they converge to be your starting point in your template. Or, if you have a multi-page pattern with a background, you can just take the material and measure 3 inches to the right of the upper left corner of the material, mark it with a light pencil, then measure 3 inches below that mark, and that will be your starting point if your the pattern will appear on the pages, not on one large folded sheet. Now that you have everything you need, you are ready to embroider. Most designs require two threads of floss to cover the stitch. Following the pattern, and when you have used up the thread on the needle for that particular color and it is time to cut the thread to change to another color, turn the frame over and insert the needle into the finished stitches on the back. Then cut the thread. Using a marker, mark the corresponding stitches you just embroidered on your pattern. As you do more and begin to feel comfortable, the excitement builds up and soon you will be buying more and more patterns in anticipation of working on them, and you will become a true master!
